Delivery of Miniature Works and Entry Forms must be made by Saturday 12th October at the WAG Creative Get Together at the TAARA Gardens Hall, between 10.00am and 1.00pm. If these times are unsuitable contact Roswitha. Phone: 0246810535 or e-mail for other arrangements. An overall Exhibition Entry fee is $10.00 per member. There will be 10% commission on sales including craft work, books etc.
Payment can be made at the time of delivery of works, on the 12th October or at the Shire Hall on Wednesday, 30th October.
OR by Direct Deposit/Bank Transfer: Account Name: Wollondilly Arts Group Macarthur Credit Union, BSB 802 388, Account No. 62408, Transaction Info: WAG 14+ your name.
All Works must be picked up on Sunday 3rd November at 4.00 pm & CLEAN UP by 5.00pm.
• The ‘Miniatures’ are restricted to 6 entries per member, each limited in size to no more than 40cm perimeter (i.e. 10 cm x 10 cm or any combination making up 40 cm overall perimeter e.g. 12 cm x 8 cm). For more guidelines go to:
• All works must be the members original work and not exhibited previously in a WAG annual exhibition. The WAG committee will have the final say on works to be hung. Whilst all care is taken, no responsibility is accepted for loss or damage to works submitted.
• Artists name; title of work; medium used and price must be attached to the back of each work.
For ‘Miniatures’, WAG committee will affix velcro strips to each entry at no extra charge and number each miniature to a master list instead of tags.
• All entrants must be financial members of Wollondilly Arts Group and have put their name down on the duty roster for Gallery minding at the Shire Hall.