Our second WAG workshop with Mo will cover the vast array of ways to achieve image transfer in your encaustic work. Learn how to do numerous image transfer techniques using carbon paper, charcoal, graphite, printouts. Details can be downloaded from our
download page. You can create your work on wax using your own printed images. There are so many ways to work with image transfer and encaustic.
DATE: Saturday, 25th June 2011 ARRIVAL /SET-UP 9.30 am to START 10.00 am to 4 pm
COST: $25 members, $35 non members
A material fee of $20 applies to be paid to Mo on the day
WAG will buy plywood boards which will be available for $6/4 boards
Students who attend the first workshop ‘Encaustic’ may have wax left over that they can reuse and might not need to purchase a ‘goody bag’. VENUE: CWA Hall, York Street, Tahmoor
Phone or email Janet Dalton (Secretary) to check availability and reserve your place PH: 46818579 Email:
janetdalton@ozemail.com.au Wollondilly Arts Group is very grateful for the CASP* grant that has enabled us to offer this series of subsidised workshops held in May and June introducing you to the art of ‘Image transfer’.
* The Country Arts Support Program is funded by the NSW Government through Arts NSW and jointly delivered by Regional Arts NSW and Regional Arts Boards throughout NSW