illuminARTe ART EXHIBITION AND ARTISAN MARKET hosted By Wollondilly Arts Group Inc

On Saturday APRIL 29th 2017  12:00 noon till 9:00 pm
at Wollondilly Shire Hall Art Spaces and Hall Menangle Street, Picton
As part of the illuminARTe Festival 2017, Wollondilly Arts Group is curating the illuminARTe Art Exhibition and the Artisan Market in the Shire Hall showcasing the artistic diversity of the works created by regional & local artists, artisans and crafts people. More than 20,000 people visited the vibrant IlluminARTe Wollondilly Festival last year, the largest
event on Wollondilly’s calendar.

The Art Exhibition will also be open from
10.00am till 4:00 pm Friday April 28th, 2017 and Sunday April 30th, 2017 from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm
For more information contact:
Janet Dalton (02) 4681 8579