Conducted for Wollondilly Arts Group by well known local artist Steve Underwood a fulltime artist and a gifted teacher, teaching both beginners and advanced and works mainly in oils He paints in a real but impressionistic style, painting landscape and portraiture. A selection of his work is on display for viewing on his page
DATE: 3rd November 2012: set up paints etc 9.30, start 10am to 4pm
FEE: $30.00 members $35.00 non members [includes cost of primed board]
VENUE : SCOUT Hall, at the end of Mason Street Thirlmere.
BOOKING: To secure a place for this workshop – booking must be finalized
by 20th October 2012. Booking and payment can be made @ GetTogether.
As you can imagine this will fill quickly and will have LIMITED PLACES so
first in BEST-DRESSED. Participants MUST BOOK by calling or emailing
JANET DALTON [secretary] as soon as
possible, PH: 46818579. Money to be paid via direct deposit into Bank
Details - Macarthur Credit Union Account name WOLLONDILLY ARTS
GROUP or mailing (cheque made out to Wollondilly Arts Group) ASAP
to Janet Dalton, PO Box 799 Picton 2571.OR payment can be made @ GetTogethers OR call her to make other arrangements. OR call Julie Hodges 4683 0808
We will be painting one of Steve’s beautiful daughters,
**STEVE WILL BE SUPPLYING, a DRAWN-UP BOARD. So we can concentrate on the paint application and not the drawing up. Please bring;pencil and paper for note taking, and any oil paints you may have, esp; Basic
colours: White, Cad Red, Cad-Yellow, Yellow-Ochre, U.M.Blue, plus Burnt Sienna. Also bring the normal paper towels, palette and brushes, at least a couple of LONG flat bristles sizes-10,8, Nylon-4,and a pointed detail brush an easel to support the size of the board. Couple of bulldog clips. Low odour solvent ********BRING LUNCH ******** Morning tea will be supplied. *Six floor easels available- inquire when booking.
Wollondilly Arts Group is supported by Southern Tablelands Arts (STARTS)