In our first workshop with Mo you will learn about the history of encaustic, studio safety and how to prepare your own encaustic medium and paints. Tutor Mo Godbeer will go through board preparation, fusing, and layering to achieve amazing effects with beeswax and resin. You can expect to take home 4 completed pieces. Mo will impart her vast knowledge of encaustic and share with you loads of tips and tricks for working in encaustic. Each student will receive a worksheet with encaustic recipes, resource guide and instructions to take home. 
DATE: Saturday, 28th May 2011 ARRIVAL /SET-UP 9.30 am to START 10.00 am to 4 pm 
COST: $25 members, $35 non members 
A material fee of $20 applies to be paid to Mo on the day 
WAG will buy plywood boards which will be available for $6/4boards 
VENUE: CWA Hall, Tahmoor 

Phone or email Janet Dalton (Secretary) to check availability and reserve your 
place  PH: 46818579   Email: 

Wollondilly Arts Group is very grateful for the CASP* grant that has enabled us to offer this series of subsidised workshops held in May and June introducing you to the art of â€˜Encaustic Painting’.

* The Country Arts Support Program is funded by the NSW Government through Arts NSW and jointly delivered by Regional Arts NSW and Regional Arts Boards throughout NSW