Works by WAG 6 - Wollondilly Arts Group Annual Members Exhibition 21st - 22nd April 2012
Works by WAG 6 - the opening of the Annual exhibition of works by the members of the Wollondilly Arts Group will on Saturday, 21st April, 2012 at 1pm at the Scout Hall, far end of Mason Street, Thirlmere 2572 NSW. 
Light refreshments will be provided. See the NEW Jungle Book mural by the members of the Wollondilly Arts Group.

Exhibition will be open Saturday 21st of April and Sunday 22nd April from 10am to 4pm

RSVP for the opening by 17th April to Janet Dalton, The Secretary, Wollondilly Arts Group, 
P.O. Box 799 Picton 2571,  phone 02 46818579 or email
for info phone Julie 02 4683 0808
Proudly supported by STARTS (Southern Tablelands Arts) and the Wollondilly Shire Council Community Grants scheme