Enjoy an afternoon of experimenting with ink as a drawing medium using different implements e.g. nib (dip) pen, brushes, sticks, feathers etc. Learn techniques where you can free-up your drawing by using a variety of interesting lines and textures.
Ink wash is a great way to create tone and atmosphere in a drawing and this technique will also be explored through drawing a still life.
Materials required:
Drawing materials
Black acrylic ink (water resistant)
Nib pen
2 watercolour type brushes - a flat wide brush for larger areas would be good and a medium size brush
A3 Cartridge paper or A3 sketch book
Watercolour paper 300grm (med. texture) about A3 size for pen & wash
Plastic water container
Plastic ice-cube tray to mix ink washers or on old w/colour palette with divisions or a couple of small plastic containers
Plastic to cover tables
When: Saturday 14th August 2010 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm, Cost - $3.00 for members $5.00 for non-members gold coin donation for refreshments. Venue -Wollondilly Community Nursery Wonga Rd Picton. Please pass this info on to others who may like to attend!
RSVP Janet if you are coming - phone 4681 8579 - dcre8ive@bigpond.net.au