Wollondilly Arts Group What's On

Browsing Archive: May, 2013

Saturday 8th June 2013 1.00 pm to 4.00pm WAG Creative Get Together

Posted by Janet Dalton on Thursday, May 23, 2013, In : Creative Get Togethers 

CREATIVE GET TOGETHER Saturday 8th June 1.00 pm - 4.00pm ANIMAL THEME.   Own reference and materials.   At the Scout Hall, far end of Mason St Thirlmere.

Here is your chance to paint/draw your favourite PET, ANIMAL - TAME or WILD, UNICORN or FISH?

Do yourself a favour and pre-draw –up your design, so you can concentrate on the ‘GOOD BIT’ making your picture into ART.

New Members Welcome. Tea and coffee provided as usual, cost $3.00 members, $5.00 non Members.

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Notice of Wollondilly Arts Group Inc AGM 2013 - 1/6/2013

Posted by Janet Dalton on Thursday, May 23, 2013, In : Meeting 

Dear Members & Friends,

The WAG Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 1st June 2013, 11.30am at the Picton Bowling Club, Argyle St  Picton .

This is an opportunity for all WAG members to decide on the office bearers for our group for the coming year and submit ideas for  annual activies

Executive positions include:

President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary,  Public Officer.

In addition to the Executive, there are also at least 3 ordinary members who assist with the work of th...

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About WAG

Wollondilly Arts Group Inc. (WAG) is a not-for-profit community organization based in the Wollondilly Shire, Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. Our group has been operating since 2004 in which time we have been supporting artists and lobbying for a dedicated community space, a home for our group, to provide a permanent meeting place, workshop and gallery space.

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